• Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm
  • 0917-543-4592 | 0917-543-4762 | 0917-167-0901
  • Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm
  • 0917-543-4592 | 0917-543-4762 | 0917-167-0901



We offer different strategies and initiatives that align, promote and encourage the improvement of a department so it can meet its mission, fully realize its potential and maximize its ability to make positive and lasting contribution to its constituencies. Our consulting process places equal focus on the development of the individual employee.


Change Management

We define, plan and execute strategic organizational change, from both people and systems perspectives. We also manage organizational transformations including restructuring, hiring, layoffs, consolidations and acquisitions

Performance Management

We coach individuals to improve their abilities to lead and manage. We make sure that we instill the value of innovative leadership within the department. And lastly, we teach conflict resolution skills to help leaders resolve and mediate conflict, as well as help leaders recognize the potential for conflict before it arises.

Leadership Development

Teach performance management strategies and processes, focusing on ways to handle performance challenges, setting clear expectations, and creating development plans. We also provide performance-based training and/or coaching to maximize contributions to the department. Also, we perform “gap analyses” by identifying current skills/abilities and future needs. And lastly, developing strategies to close performance gaps.

Climate, Culture, or Interpersonal Relationships

Providing direct deposit is difficult if a company doesn’t use an outside payroll service. Not having to make a trip to the bank is an important convenience for our clients. Thus, eliminating time-consuming and error-prone paper handling and the need to reconcile individual payroll checks every month.

Organizational Structure, Work Processe, or Job Design

We assess and refine the processes and methods of critical operations. Analyze staffing needs and restructure positions, focusing on effective job matches and utilizing positions consistent with their classification and grade level, thereby leveraging human resources in the most cost-effective and efficient manner. Moreover, we examine, target, and redesign organizational processes to become more responsive and efficient.

Strategic Planning or Visioning

We facilitate the creation of a vision for the department’s future mission. Analyze the department’s current state and help establish direction for the future.


  • Continuous Improvement

Engaging your organizational development with us will help continually improve your business. Our development process creates a continuous cycle of improvement whereby strategies are planned, implemented, evaluated, improved and monitored.

  • Increased Communication

Increased communication, feedback and interaction within the company is a key benefit of having us. With improved communication, all employees will be knowledgeable of the company’s goals and values. Communication can also lead to increased understanding of the need for change within the organization.

  • Employee Development

Our focus in organizational development is to increase communication to influence employees to bring about desired changes. This will help in the development of your employee to cope up with the constant changes in the industry and market. This will help your company in enhancing employee skills to meet the evolving market requirements. This will be achieved through a program of learning, training, skills/competency enhancement and work process improvements.

  • Product and Service Enhancement

A major benefit of having us will be innovation, that will lead to product and service enhancement. Innovation will be achieved through employee development, which focuses on rewarding successes and boosting motivation and morale.

  • Increased Profit

As we align the objectives and focuses on development of your employee and company, product or service quality and employee satisfaction are increased. The culture shift to one of continuous improvement gives your company a distinct advantage in the competitive marketplace.


RBT Consulting Corp. is a diverse group of HR and IT professionals that are driven with passion in developing and finding ways to come up with the right solutions to different business challenges.

Contact us now and we will send you a proposal!

    RBT Consulting Corporation

    Enhanced Solutions For Startup Companies, Medium-Scale Businesses, Large – Scale Businesses And Multi – National Companies.

    Who we are
    Mission and Vision

    Address: 8th floor, #19 Jafer Place, Eisenhower St. Greenhills, San Juan, Philippines

    Phone : 0917 543 4592 | 0917 543 4762 | 0917 167 0901

    Email : rbtconsulting@rbtconsulting.com.ph | rbt_sales@rbtconsulting.com.ph